Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Day Nathan Fell

It was on a Thursday and I had worked hard that day. Bobby and I had already eaten dinner and I was relaxed in the recliner, reading the Drudge Report online. Bobby was on Face Book on the office computer. I had already checked FB for any news from Nathan or Jennifer, but there was none. You see, Face Book is our lifeline to Nathan and Jennifer.

Suddenly, Bobby came out of the office and announced that something has just been posted about Nathan. I immediately logged on.

The post from Bryan Webb (I found out a few minutes later that it was Alicia) simply said, “Pray for Nathan! I don’t know all the details yet, but pray for him!”

There are no words to describe the terror and helplessness that gripped my heart! I immediately began sending hurried messages to anyone who might be online in that part of the world, to no avail. And I began praying.

About five minutes into this torture, Jennifer’s mom called and let me know that Jennifer had just called her and all she knew was that Nathan had been seriously injured while working on their house and Jennifer was on the way to the hospital. And she asked everyone to please pray!

As soon as I got off the phone with her, I called our pastor, Bro, Danny Taylor. He happened to be at a Ozark Christian Schools staff and faculty dinner, so he made the need known and they prayed.

Next, I tried calling my sister, but she was at a youth retreat with our church youth, so her phone was off. I tried calling Bobby Dale, but he was at the same retreat, so no answer. I called both Naomi and Ruth and told them to start praying. I'm pretty sure I scared them almost to death! Mom wasn’t answering her phone. I only got voice mail on my other sister’s phone.

I finally got through to Tina, Kara Jaeger’s mom, hoping she had heard something from Steven and Kara. She hadn’t, but promised to try to get in touch with them.

For an agonizing forty-five minutes, I cried out to God for help. I didn’t know what kind of help we needed, but I knew that He knew. I reminded Him of what He already knew; that I had given Nate to Him years ago and that Nathan was His to do with as He pleased.

I also began learning a few sketchy details from Alicia Webb via FB chat. She was at home and only knew what was being relayed to her by her parents. What caused most of my apprehension was that I knew that Bryan Webb was leaving for Port Villa that day. So I was wondering how Jennifer was going to make all the decisions that might become necessary all on her own.

A few minutes later I heard Bobby talking to Bryan Webb. He wasn't in Port Villa after all! (You can read his blog about it here.) Things weren’t as serious as first thought - Just some stitches needed on Nate’s head, possibly some broken ribs and some very sore muscles. I can’t describe the relief that flooded me!

We later found out that Nate had several ribs out of place, which was causing excruciating pain. But, as God would have it, Nate and Jen were scheduled to attend a missionary retreat on the island of Fiji, and since they had to leave the country of Vanuatu anyway due to their Visa situation, the extended stay in Fiji allowed them to seek the necessary medical help that was not available in Vanuatu. Isn’t it amazing how God works it all out?

Please continue to keep Nate & Jen, Steven & Kara, and the Webb family in your prayers. They, along with a medical team, will be on the island of Pentecost for the next week. Nate & Jen will be acting as interpreters as well as doing whatever else needs to be done.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Visas Have Been Issued!!

I just wanted to let everyone know that Nathan & Jennifer have received their visas!! They will be leaving Fiji and heading to Port Villa tomorrow and should arrive back in Luganville on Monday.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Update On Nate & Jen

I thought I should put an update on here about Nathan & Jen's status.

Right now, they are in Fiji. They went over there for a retreat that was held for missionaries in that part of the world, but aren't going to be allowed back into Vanuatu until their visas are issued. Please help us pray in regards to this. If they don't receive copies of them by Sunday, they will miss going on a planned trip to the island of Pentecost with the Webb's and Jaeger's, something they've all been looking forward to.

While in Fiji, Nate has been able to see a chiropractor about his back. Since his fall, has had a lump on his back that was a cause for worry. Turns out, he has several ribs out of place! The chiropractor was able to put one back in place last week, and should be able to deal with the other this week. So it was good that their stay in Fiji was extended, even though they would rather be back in Luganville!

Here are a couple more recent pictures of their house:

Yep, that's the ladder that caused all the problems!!

Again, please keep Nate & Jen's visa situation in your prayers.
