Nate went on a 15 day trek with Bryan Webb to Tanna, another island in Vanuatu. Tanna is more of a mountain type island and is a lot cooler. Nate has been taking bucket baths and he says the water is freezing!
On the first leg of the trip Nate stayed in a house (it's spelled 'haos' here), with six other men. However, he did manage to get his own bed complete with a blanket, which he says smells like dog, but he is thankful for the blanket with the chilly night air. He hadn't even got his sleeping bag out, and when I asked him why he didn't cover himself with his sleeping bag, then put the blanket on top of that, he said it hadn't even occurred to him! Men!! He hasn't said much about the food there, though he did say that they've been eating mostly 'laplap'. I think he's afraid to say too much in case someone overhears him!
He says his Bislama is getting better everyday and he will either be speaking it after this couple of weeks or his head will explode!! They have been having classes all day and services at night, so I can imagine how bad your head would hurt trying to take it all in!
They are going to visit a waterfall and of course, before he leaves, he wants to go see the volcano (I told him I don't want him to!).
He says he is taking his supplements and silver and promised me he is taking good care of himself!
I think Nathan will be happy to get back to my cooking (bet you never thought you'd hear me say that!!). I think this has been a great experience for him! We are learning so much working under the Webb's.
Here is a weird thought: I asked if his beard was growing way out and he said he didn't know because he hasn't seen himself! I guess this is a girl's way of thinking, but can you imagine??? Those women have never seen themselves outside of seeing their reflection on water, and you have to walk down the mountain to get to that!! (They have some sort of homemade pipe system to get their water). Anyway, I'm definitely taking a MIRROR with me when we go to Malakula!! Glad he told me that or I might have come back with a beard!!
Keep us in your prayers.
Can't wait for you to get back, Nate!!