Well, it has been a slow week on the work front, but I have taken the time to do some things I enjoy. One of those things is painting. Not painting houses, although I have done a little of that as of late, but the artsy type painting.
When we left the States, I thought I was going to have to put my painting on hold. My medium of choice was oil on canvas. With all the new airline restrictions I was not able to travel with the needed products, many of which I would not have been able to replenish here if I wanted to. I was disappointed but it was one of the things I felt I could sacrifice.
This all changed in May. For my birthday, the Webb family bought me an acrylic paint set after hearing from Jen that I liked to paint. Well, they couldn't have chosen a better gift. I have been painting like a madman ever since! Never having dealt with acrylics before, I was pleasantly surprised at how much easier they are to work with. So far, I have nearly completed nine paintings and counting.
Jen has also been painting with me and showing me the artistic light she has been hiding under a bushel. I keep telling her that our paintings will be worth something some day, but most likely not until after we are dead! Doesn’t that just seem so unfair? I guess those are just the breaks!
Painting has quickly become one of our favorite pastimes here at the ends of the earth. If you are wanting paint-worthy scenes, look no further than Vanuatu. Between the beaches and mountains here on Santo, to the villages and day to day life that goes on all around us, we will never run out of subjects to be remembered by our brushes. Each time we take up our brushes we try to jot down another thousand words worth of memories of our wonderful time here. We can’t wait to share with everyone these captured pieces of paradise.
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